K8s Labs 002 Deploy Static Web Application
21 Apr, 2024
This lab will allow you to practice the processing of deploying your static web application on your k8s cluster
K8s Labs 001 Building a Kubernetes Cluster With Kubeadm
20 Apr, 2024
This lab will allow you to practice the process of building a new Kubernetes cluster. You will be given a set of Linux servers, and you will have the opportunity to turn these servers into a functioning Kubernetes cluster. This will help you build the skills necessary to create your own Kubernetes clusters in the real world.
Kubernetes Hands on Labs
20 Apr, 2024
In this tutorial, you will practice your k8s knowledge with labs and real world requirements
Kubernetes Complete Course
01 Apr, 2024
In this tutorial, you will learn about: what kubenertes is, what problems that kubenertes can solve, what features that container orchestration tools offer.s